A Few Trades in the E-Mini S&P 500 Futures

March 15, 2016 By: Todd Mitchell

On today's video I recorded a couple small trades in the E-Mini S&P 500 (ESM16.D) futures market - you'll see I pretty much scratched the trades. Have a great day and remember the FOMC meeting is tomorrow.. (more…)...

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A Couple Profitable T-Bond Trades

March 14, 2016 By: Todd Mitchell

On today's video I recorded one LIVE short trade in the 30 Year T-Bonds (USM16) futures that resulted in a profitable trade. Be sure to watch the viedeo and hope it helps. (more…)...

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Short 30 Year T-Bond Trade Near End of Day

March 10, 2016 By: Todd Mitchell

On today's video I recorded a LIVE T-Bond (USM16) futures trade, near the end of the day, that was for break-even... I only wish I had been able to record the two profitable trades earlier in the day - oh well :) Have a great evening and hope the video helps. (more…)...

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Mapping Out the Reversals

By: Doc Severson

Watch those smaller timeframes to see if the markets are setting up for the next reversal! (more…)...

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Are you using the Market Internals to your Advantage?

March 9, 2016 By: Craig Hill

In addition to going over the trade setups we took today in our LIVE E-Mini Trading Room this morning, in today's video, I discuss using the Advance/Decline lines to help you determine who's more dominant (buyers or sellers) as well as how to use the NYSE TICK to help determine whether or not you are buying at wholesale prices and/or selling at retail prices. I hope these intraday trading...

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A Quick Long Trade In The E-Mini S&P 500

By: Todd Mitchell

On today's video I was able to record a LIVE long trade in the E-Mini S&P 500 (ESH16.D) futures contract that resulted in a profitable trade. Have a great day and hope the video helps. (more…)...

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