A Few E-Mini S&P 500 Trades to Watch

March 8, 2016 By: Todd Mitchell

It's been a long time and it feels good to be back in the saddle. On today's video I recorded a few LIVE E-Mini S&P 500 (ESH16.D) futures trades that I thought you could learn from. I hope the video helps in your own trading. (more…)...

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Principle of Maximum Adversity

March 4, 2016 By: Doc Severson

How does the Principle of Maximum Adversity affect you and your trading? (more…)...

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Calendar Spread Adjustment

March 2, 2016 By: Doc Severson

Our Calendar Spread placed earlier this week required an immediate adjustment - what are the success factors for this trade going forward? (more…)...

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Calendar Spread Setup

February 29, 2016 By: Doc Severson

How we can use the current market condition to design the right options strategy. (more…)...

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A Glimpse Into our LIVE E-Mini Trading Room… Plus +10.25 ES Points

February 26, 2016 By: Craig Hill

Today's video is just a glimpse of what we're doing in our LIVE E-Mini Trading Room. I recorded two trades this morning which resulted in a total profit of plus +10.25 E-Mini S&P points. I hope you enjoy the video and learn some trading tactics that you can start applying in your own trading. Have a great weekend! (more…)...

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A Pause in the Works?

By: Doc Severson

A couple of reasons why we might see a short pause in the rally in the near term. (more…)...

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