Small Trade In E-Mini Futures Hit Profit Objectives

March 30, 2016 By: Todd Mitchell

On today's short video I recorded a LIVE trade in the E-mini S&P 500 (ESM16.D) futures market that hit both profit objectives fairly quick. Be sure to watch the video for all the details - hope the video helps. (more…)...

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Gap Filled – What’s Next?

By: Doc Severson

The Daily gap from December was closed today; what's next? (more…)...

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Using the A/D Lines to Help Gauge Directional Bias Early On

March 29, 2016 By: Craig Hill

In today's video, I discuss using the Advance/Decline (A/D) Lines to help gauge directional bias within the first 10 to 30 minutes of the trading day. I also talk about how important it is to "follow the process" and how using the market internals can help you stay longer in a trade. I hope you pick up a few things from today's video that you can start applying in your own trading. Have a...

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A Quick E-Mini S&P 500 Trade Good For 2.50 Points

March 28, 2016 By: Todd Mitchell

On today's short video you'll see a LIVE trade in the E-Mini S&P 500 (ESM16.D) futures contract that was good for 2.50 points ($125/contract). Be sure to watch the video to see if you can apply this type of trade in your own trading. Hope the video helps. Be sure to watch Doc's FREE Video's - they will be taken down tomorrow so please take the time - it will be well worth it. ...

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Break Even Trade In T-Bonds

March 23, 2016 By: Todd Mitchell

Today's trading in the T-Bond futures (USM16) was pretty much a breakeven proposition for the trades I attempted in this video - be sure to watch to see what happens. Also be sure to check out Doc's FREE Video Series that he's putting out this week - I can guarantee that you'll learn a whole lot from them. (more…)...

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Stair-Stepping Higher?

March 21, 2016 By: Doc Severson

Watch the character of the market during uptrends to know if the Bull is back or not. (more…)...

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