2 Small Profitable Trades

October 12, 2016 By: Todd Mitchell

On today's video I recorded two LIVE trades in the E-Mini S&P 500 (ESZ16) futures market...one trade right before the NY session open and one shortly after - have a great day and hope the video helps. (more…)...

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Tight Range & Meandering Lessons +10 Tics On Momentum

October 11, 2016 By: David Becket

Tight Range & Meandering Lessons +10 Tics On Momentum Bonds had no intention of Going Anywhere Today. Until late in the session when momentum setup for +10 Tics. A Lesson in understanding price patterns and pivots. (more…)...

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LIVE Trade In E-Mini S&P 500

October 10, 2016 By: Todd Mitchell

Be sure to watch today's LIVE trade in the E-Mini S&P 500 (ESZ16) futures market where I got distracted and I was in the trade way too long. Have a great evening and hope it helps. (more…)...

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Multiple Members Profiting Up To 19 Tics or $589

October 8, 2016 By: David Becket

Multiple Members Profiting Up To 19 Tics or $589 Clearly it was a great day when members start excitedly announcing the number of tics they cleared. The great thing about bonds is just a few small tics on 2 contracts, earns a tidy sum each day and month. (more…)...

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High Probability Low Risk Trades Trading Consolidations

October 7, 2016 By: Craig Hill

In today's video I briefly go over a couple of trades that we took in our LIVE E-Mini Trading Room this morning as well as two different scenarios that I called out in my Pre-Market Analysis that played out in real-time, both yesterday and today. I also go over what to expect after the market consolidates for a period of time and how consolidations typically set up high probability and low risk...

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LIVE E-Mini S&P 500 Trades

By: Todd Mitchell

On today's LIVE long trade in the E-Mini S&P 500 (ESZ16) futures market I missed catching the low of the day by one measly point. Boy, I wish I was still long because the market is up over 10 points from where I bought it. Hope the video helps and have a fantastic weekend! (more…)...

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