Over The Last 8 Years It Could Have Paid You Over $238,956 or 2389%...Turning Every $10,000 Into $238,956!
Hi - Todd Mitchell here… Several days ago I showed you a mysterious mathematical formula:
Over the last 8 years it could have paid you 2,289.56%... Multiplying your entire portfolio by nearly 23 times… Turning every $1,000 into $22,895! Or every $10,000 into $228,950! That’s an average annual return of 47.9%.
Over the same window of time - the S&P 500 is only up 128%. For a much weaker average annual return of just 10%.
It produces rapid two week individual trade profits like… 69% on XLP, 108% on XLI, and... 116% on XLY! Those three trades alone could have turned every $5,000 into $14,650!
Every two weeks this weird formula spits out a fresh set of trades:
That’s why It only requires a few minutes of active portfolio management every month. I’ll get into the specific of how it works and why in a second - but suffice to say… It won’t force you to spend all day staring at charts.
The trades you take are very easy to execute. You only ever take positions on highly stable, low risk ETFs - not dangerous penny stocks that often go to zero. With 588 trades over the last 8 years… The system has 461 winners and only 127 losers. That’s an overall accuracy of 78.40%! In other words - you would have won nearly 4 in every 5 trades. Not only that, but your average winner was 70% bigger than your average loss. Any trader will tell you…
That’s An Incredible Edge Over The Market!
BUT - the profits aren’t even the best thing about this new trading system… What really excites me is how it handles risk. It doesn’t matter what part of the economic cycle we’re in - it doesn’t matter whether stocks are in a bullish uptrend or a bearish downtrend… The formula keeps your portfolio growing on an even keel.
For example… While the broad stock market has witnessed declines of up to 19% since 2010 - this strategy has never had a loss greater than 1.68% between new account highs. The second worst drawdown was only 0.69% and each drawdown only lasted 45 days before breaking a fresh new record high. But, you’re not sacrificing high potential returns for that stability. Because...
This Strategy Was Designed To Be Traded With Options
So instead of experiencing gains of 2-3% in two weeks on an ETF - you can rake in…118% on XLP, 127% on XLI and even as much as… 739% on XLE. If you’d traded this strategy since 2010 with options exclusively… Your accuracy would STILL be over 73%. Only now - your average win is up to 59%... With an average loss of only 29%! If that performance kept up… and if you invested $1,000 in all 70 positions - you’d have earned $26,290 in profit. With a $10,000 investment - you’d be looking at a life changing $262,900!
That’s why John Bogle - founder of The Vanguard Group - calls this formula...
"The iron rule of the financial markets.”
Why Jason Zweig from the Wall Street Journal says...
“It’s the most powerful law...” in finance.
And why legendary trader James O'Shaughnessy says...
“Historically, we have always seen...” it driving stocks.
In Videos #1 and #2 of this series - my partner Roger revealed what this formula means… why it works… and how you can profit from it starting as soon as today.
Now I’m Going To Tell You The Rest Of The Story…
First though - let’s go over the facts behind this amazing strategy. It starts with the formula…
When it was invented it was HUGE breakthrough in mathematics. It’s been used to model the movement of subatomic particles… The performance of Major League Baseball players… And yes, it’s even been used in high finance. But the formula itself is only a key. A kind of “decoder ring” for the entire financial cycle. What you need to understand is that...
Financial History Isn’t Random.
It repeats itself over and over and over in a predictable cycle.
In the early phase of an economic boom - stocks rise. As the cycle matures - inflation picks up and commodities rise. In the late phase of the boom - interest rates are rising. Stocks run out of steam. That’s when the contraction begins.
In the early phase of contraction - oil, copper and other commodities take a hit. Stocks start to slip into “correction” territory. Then we enter the critical late phase of contraction. Now stocks are in freefall. Interest rates are plunging. Bonds spike. Eventually we hit rock bottom. Just like we did in March of ‘09.
Then the pattern repeats all over again - typically in 4-8 year cycles. When you know how it works - you’ve got a map for every boom and bust. The first step is to identify what phase of the cycle we’re in.
Every Economic Cycle Has Tell Tale - Black & White - Markers
To spot them we ask three questions…
What are interest rates doing?
What is the inflation environment? and,
Where are stocks relative to the 200 Day Moving Average?
Let me give you an example… From July 1st, 2008 to March 2009… The S&P 500 lost 50% of its value - falling DEEP under the 200 Day Moving Average. As interest rates hit a peak - the massive debt bubble was bursting. Inflation - which had risen for years - suddenly plunged. We were in Phase #5: Late Contraction
Now let’s look at another example… Our current economic cycle. Stocks are well above 200 Day Moving Average. They’re making fresh all-time highs nearly every month. Interest rates are near the lowest levels we've had in decades. There's very little inflation at this time BUT the Fed is raising rates to avoid it. That means we’re in Phase #2: Middle Expansion.
Once we’ve identified which phase we’re in - we go back to our map.
When You Know What Phase We’re In,
You Know Which Sectors Will Win
Just as each phase produces unique interest rate and stock price behavior… Each of the 5 phases favors and hinders specific market sectors.
In Phase #1 - technology stocks rise while transport stocks struggle.
In Phase #2 - we see strength in capital goods and weakness in basic materials.
In Phase #3 - energy leads the pack with healthcare slacking.
In Phase #4 - the economy is contracting. Consumer staples outperform while utilities suffer.
Finally - in Phase #5 - financial services and consumer cyclicals get slammed.
Let’s see what that looks like in practice… We had a Late Contraction phase ran from July, 2008 to March 29th, 2009. As you know - it was one of the worst market busts in the history of the stock market. The S&P 500 dropped 42.74% in just 11 months.
But - not all sectors were impacted equally. As we would have predicted - the financial sector was devastated. It plunged by as much as 64%. Consumer cyclicals - meanwhile - were only down 21.5%. Everything played out exactly as predicted.
From April, 2009 until April, 2011 on the other hand - we were in Early Expansion. We expected tech to win and transport and utilities stocks to lose. Sure enough - information technology stocks were up 103.18%... Crushing the S&P 500 which was up just 67.12%. Utilities rose too - but only by 43.47%. They were the clear loser.
As I’ve said before - economic history repeats itself. Once we know which phase we’re in - we know what each sector should be doing.
We Can Capture 700%+ Profits
With Stock Sector ETFs
As of 2016, there were 4,776 ETFs in the world. We focus on just 10.
Energy. Financial. Industrial. Materials. Technology. Consumer Staples. Utilities. Health Care. Real Estate. And, Consumer Discretionary.
During the Late Contraction phase ran that started in 2008… We’d have bought XLP - consumer staples - and shorted XLF - the financial sector.
During the Early Contraction from November, 2007 to June, 2008… We’d have bought XLU - utilities - and shorted XLK - technology.
We know where every sector should be. We also know if a sector is out of line. If tech is lagging behind where the cycle map predicts - it’s a buy. Likewise - if energy is overextended - it’s a sell.
A Stunningly Powerful Math Formula
We perform that comparison with the special equation I’ve been showing you:
If you simply plug in the right numbers - it will tell you which of the 10 ETFs you must buy or sell short every two weeks - plus the options that will potentially 10x your returns. The formula itself is called the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Two famous mathematicians - Leonard Ornstein and George Eugene Uhlenbeck - invented it all the way back in 1931. It’s used to calculate reversion to the mean.
If you don’t know what that is… that’s okay. And if the any of this sounds a bit intimidating… don’t worry. You will NOT have to perform ANY math yourself. I’ll explain why very soon.
For now, I want you to think of it like this: If you flip a coin 10 times you expect 5 heads and 5 tails on average. Now - it’s entirely possible for you to flip heads 10 times in a row. It’s just incredibly unlikely. And, if you WERE to flip heads 10 times in a row… There’s no way you’d expect your run of heads to continue another 10 times. We’d expect the next set of 10 flips to revert to our 50/50 average.
Our formula - dxt=θ(μ−xt)dt+σdWt - is used to map that process. Physicists use it to model tiny atomic particles. Geneticists use it to study evolution. And, recently - it’s even found its way to the world of finance. The theory goes that price action eventually moves toward the historical average.
You’ve got your Cycle Map… and the 5 Phases of Boom & Bust… With a precisely mapped out pattern of sector behavior.
No Matter What The Market Does…
It Always Swings Back To The Pattern
Over the long run price action does fit that pattern. With that said - stock prices are constantly breaking the pattern in the short term.
Here’s the thing though: Because of reversion to the mean... Price eventually and inevitably matches up with the pattern again. Financial markets are in a constant state of distortion and re-balancing. An event occurs - throwing the cycle out of whack - then prices re-adjust again. When a major event happens - say a debt default in Greece or a North Korean nuclear test - it creates a moment of temporary panic the stock market needs to absorb.
You’re looking at the VIX. It’s a measure of market volatility. Each of those spikes represent moments of event driven panic. Something happened, and stocks responded. Our 10 major sectors were temporarily pushed out of position. BUT…Because of reversion to the mean - we know they’ll eventually balance out.
This Is What Creates Our Best Opportunities!
Opportunities like… 135% on XLI. Where a $5,000 investment would have netted you $6,750. Or… 204% on XLU. Which would have paid $20,400 on every $10,000. And…634% on XLE. A trade that would have paid you over SIX TIMES your initial investment!
None of this happens by accident. Reversion to the mean isn’t some magical force of the markets. It happens for two core reasons.
The first one is… Institutional Buying Pressure.
I’ve said this before: stocks move because capital flows into or out of them.
The Greater The Flow Of Capital - The Greater The Move
An average retail trader who’s putting in orders for 100 shares of TSLA or NVDA isn’t going to influence the price of either of those stocks by a single cent. The vast majority of ALL price action in the markets is thanks to the big money.
I’m talking about institutional traders you’ll find at the major banks and funds. They’re single handedly responsible for 95% of price swings: both up and down. This is especially the case with large cap stocks. For a $100 billion company to move, you have to see hundreds of millions of dollars flowing in or out. These institutional traders all trade on reversion to the mean.
The second reason is related to the first… Institutional Risk Management
Most people don’t realize that multibillion dollar hedge funds don’t buy or sell individual stocks or ETFs. Not like you or I do anyway. The major concern for institutional traders isn’t profit - it’s risk. Safety and preservation of capital is their number one goal, not double or triple digit returns.
A major hedge fund or mutual fund can’t risk being exposed to 10 million shares of one stock without any type of hedge, or protection. It would be far too dangerous.
That’s why large funds use complex statistical computer programs to create position clusters made of several stocks, bonds and ETFs at once. The computers that create and manage these clusters know exactly how many shares to buy and sell. Most of the time they do it without any human intervention. Day and night - they’re buying and selling. One of the side effects is that they tend to balance out distortions between various stocks, industries and sectors. Once again - this brings prices back into alignment. And when you get in ahead of them - you’ve got an opportunity to profit.
When Price Surges Back In Line…
We Can Earn Fantastic Profits!
You might have captured trades like… 92% on XLI, 148% on XLY, and… 189% on XLK. Let me give you an example of how these reversions play out…
In this example, you can see three ETFs during the last two months of 2016. In November, ETF A and ETF B gained between 2 and 3% percent. ETF C – on the other hand - gained well over 9%.
It lead the pack by a wide margin.
Now let’s take a look at December. ETFs A and B surged ahead - gaining 7.8% and 8.2% respectively. ETF C was up too - but only by a meagre 2.2%. Within 30 days - all three had returned to balance.
We call this leading reversion.
Here’s another example… You’re looking at the first two months of 2017. Notice how ETF A and ETF B gained between 9.6 and 9.9% in January. Meanwhile - ETF C only gained about 2.3%. It was the clear laggard.
But - look what happened 30 days later in February.
ETF A and B ran out of steam. They only gained 2.0% and 2.2%. Slow poke ETF C surged ahead by a whopping 8.2%. It gained back 85-90% of the missing progress.
We call this lagging reversion.
See For Yourself What This System Can Do:
From November 1st through the end of 2016 - the Energy sector lead the pack. Technology and consumer discretionary barely gained at all. Given the phase of the economic cycle we were in… This was incredibly unusual.
When we plugged our numbers into the equation - it told us to BUY tech and SHORT energy. Sure enough - by March 31st - we were proven 100% right… Tech surged 10.24% while energy shaved over 7%.
What happened was very simple. Institutional traders realized that the U.S. stock market was in Phase #1 - Early Expansion - which is typically very bullish. They knew technology was poised to perform well… Certainly much better than the 1.2% showing it had turned in.
So - over the next few months - Wall Street’s big money players began buying up tech and dumping energy stocks. Within 90 days, the historical pattern won out.
When a “too hot” sector “cools” -
that’s leading reversion in action.
If you’d bet on it happening you could have earned… 168% on XLK, 249% on XLY, and… 607% on XLE. Here’s another example…
Between April and end of June of 2017, interest rates had begun rising. We’d moved into Phase #2 - Middle Expansion. The financial and industrial sectors were up by nearly 5% each. That’s exactly in line with what we would have expected. Utilities - on the other hand - were breaking the pattern. Not only did they fail to gain value - they actually declined by slightly over 1%.
Our reversion formula spotted an opportunity for the sectors to balance out. Between July 1st and the end of August, that’s precisely what they did. Both the financial and industrial sectors shed a little over 1. Utilities rallied strongly - with a nearly 5% gain. Now all three were trading according to the cyclical pattern.
When one sector catches up like that -
we call this lagging reversion.
Institutional capital had detected a “value gap” and quickly eliminated it. Over that 60 day window - the gap vanished. Let me show you a few real examples from our model portfolio…
On February 15th, 2017 the industrial sector was lagging behind the rest of the market. The formula gave us our entry signal to buy the XLI ETF at $63.50. On March 1st we got our exit signal - you could have liquidated at $67.08. That’s a 5.64% gain in only 15 days. On July 1, 2016 XLF - the financial sector ETF - was lagging. Everything was pointing to higher price over the near term. The formula gave us our buy signal at $18.31. Two weeks later reversion to the mean kicked in. You could have closed out the position at $19.22 for a 4.97% gain in 10 days.
And remember, reversion to the mean works both long and short.
On January 4th, 2016 the energy sector ETF XLE was far ahead of the pack. Our formula was pointing to a big drop - to place it back in line with the other sectors. We got a signal to sell short shares of XLE at $59.38. By January 19th, 2016, just 15 days later - XLE had plunged. The formula revealed that it was was now near fair value. You could have closed out the position at $52.47. That’s a quick 11.64% gain in only 15 days.
Some traders would expect those kind of returns in a year. And, if you’d taken these trades with options… Your profit on all three would have been much bigger. Of course, we don’t take ANY of these positions as stand alone trades. No matter your strategy, every individual position you take could be wrong. But… With historical accuracy of 78.40% - we’re still highly likely to win.
The Profit Cluster Secret To Bigger Wins With Less Risk!
That’s why we create profit clusters of 3-4 positions every two weeks. Each of the positions are engineered to work together. You end up with a portfolio that’s perfectly tuned for the current environment, volatility and risk.
With this cluster you could have invested $9,606 in options. Two weeks later you would have closed out the position with $33,844 for a gain of $24,238. And… you didn’t need to invest $10,000 to do it. If you invested only $1,000 into the same cluster, you could have turned it into $2523. Every $2,000 would have into popped to $5,046 - all in a matter of days. You CAN achieve those results.
All you need to do is plug the raw price data into the formula.
Up until now you haven’t been shown how to do that. The fact is: we’re not going to show you. For most of you, there’s really no need. It would be a waste of time for you to struggle with the math - when you can receive the trades directly into your inbox.
We’re making that possible through a new group we’re calling…
Before I tell you how the service works, let me tell you about the man who created it…
Roger Scott
Professional Trader &
Ex-Hedge Fund Manager
Roger Scott is a 20 year veteran of the financial markets who’s profited on everything from stocks and commodities to options and forex. In 1998, he started his first hedge fund with $20 million in investor capital. Over the life of the fund, he averaged 43.39% per year.
When he closed up shop after 10 years... That initial investment had grown 37-fold to $740 million. That’s like turning $20,000 into $740,000. Or $10,000 into $375,000. All this in only 10 years!
Since he quit the hedge fund world in 2008 - he’s been featured as an expert on CNBC, Fox Business, Bloomberg, Money Show and The Street.
Roger’s students and subscribers rave about his unique trading systems.
Gerald M., Ocala from Florida writes…
"My account is up over 36% since I enrolled. Thank you for the support"
Roy Mckenney from Texas says that…
“After placing seven trades, I made profit on six and my average on each was over 30%.”
Michael Potter from New York tells us…
“My account is up over $5400 since I started and I'm getting my money's worth!”
Elliott T from Orlando says…
“I'm up over 74% in less than one year.”
And… Bill R. from Jacksonville shared this…
“The issued alerts are easy to follow and I’m up over 250% on several trades.”
Now you’re invited to participate in
his next major breakthrough!
If you’re accepted inside - you’ll receive advanced notice of every Profit Cluster before it takes off every two weeks. You’ll simply open your email the night before, get your list of stock targets - and make your trades at market open the next day.
We tell you WHAT to buy, HOW much to hold and WHEN to sell. We spoon feed you every move you’ll ever make in the market - with no room for human error. All you need to do is follow the instructions and watch as… Alliance Trader delivers an average annual return that currently sits at 47.9%.
Over the last 8 years it could have paid you 2,289.56%... Multiplying your entire portfolio by nearly 23 times…
Turning every $1,000 into $22,895! Or every $10,000 into $228,950!
And if you trade it with options… You’ll get roughly 70 option trades per year with 73.33%... Average gains of 59% on your winners… And average losses of just 20%!
If that performance kept up… And if you invested $1,000 in all 70 positions - you’d have earned $26,290 in profit. With a $10,000 investment - you’d be looking at a life changing $262,900!
With your membership you’ll get…
This is the easiest trading program you’ll ever follow. We trade precisely once every two weeks. You open my email the night before - then you place your trade when the markets open in the morning. Two weeks later we do it again.
Here’s an example of how that worked recently.
This cluster popped up on June 28th, 2013. It would have paid out… $5,247.00 on XLU, $392.00 on XLP, and $2,494.00 on XLI. For $8,130 in profit in two weeks on a $9,792 investment.
And you get a fresh opportunity two weeks later. In a given year you might expect 70 trades. If our historical performance keeps up… And if you invest $1,000 in 70 positions - you might earn $26,290 in profit. With a $10,000 investment - you might be looking at a life changing $262,900!
Think about what that would mean. Financial concerns would vanish. You’d get to live the life you want - with the house and toys you want - anywhere you want. It’s the definition of financial freedom.
Vasugie Anandaraj wrote to say…
“There are no words to explain how much joy I am having all because of you.”
Vincent Gerace shares…
“Thank you for your last recommendations. I made back 60% of what I paid for this subscription.”
Andrew Blodgett says…
“You guys are by far my favorite!”
Now I’m sure you’re wondering…
How much does it cost to join?
When Roger was running his hedge fund, you could only get access if you were an “Accredited Investor” with a net worth of at least $1,000,000. Your minimum investment could be as high as $500,000 - excluding all but the 1% of the 1%.
BUT Alliance Trader wasn’t designed for them… Now anyone who meets our criteria can join… AND they can do it without forking over 6 figures in fees per year... Because if you take action and join Alliance Trader trading group today - you’ll get in for just three monthly payments of… $599.
That works out to just $4.92 per day. More importantly - it’s just $68 every two weeks. That’s only $68 to unlock each new Profit Cluster. When you can earn 80%... 90%... 100% on a single cluster…
The cost of membership is peanuts.
But when you can potentially turn $1,000 into an average win of $590 in two weeks… Pretty soon that $68 won’t even be a blip on your radar. You’ll be thinking in terms of much bigger numbers by then. If that sounds like one hell of an opportunity to you - click “join now” beneath this video.
But the deal doesn’t end there…
We’re so confident in this strategy - and so certain that it will produce the results we’ve promised - we’re making you a pretty unique guarantee.
If you follow our instructions to the letter… And if you don’t beat the S&P in the first year… You’ll get your second year of Alliance Trader 100% free. You won’t find any other financial experts - or ANY other experts in ANY field - who are willing to bet a full year of their service like we are. That’s how much we stand behind Alliance Trader and its astonishing track record.
To lock in your membership - click “join now” below.
I have to warn you though - we aren’t going to share this system with just anyone. Only 50 investors will be allowed to join in this round. Spots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Once they’re filled, you won’t get access at any price. We don’t know when or if we’ll open it up again.
And listen… You’ve seen the performance stats for Alliance Trader. We’ve had over 7 out of every 10 trades land as winners - those trades averaged a pay out of 59% in just two weeks AND delivered 70 trades in a typical year. You’d potentially have $26,290 in income at $1,000 per trade. Or $52,580 in income at $2,000 per trade.
Income like that solves a lot of problems. You definitely won’t be worried about bills, or debt or retirement. Given all that - we know we’ll be flooded with applications.
The 50 membership slots in Alliance Trader will fill fast.
I don’t know when we’ll sell out. It might be an hour, or a day. But it also might be in the next fifteen minutes while you’re still making your decision.
You could very well go to click “join now” below - only to find the order form pulled down. When that happens - you’ll have missed out. Not on a strategy… or a program… or a signal service… No - you’ll miss our next Profit Cluster.
If you aren’t IN by then - you won’t capture… 128% on XLY, 168% on XLF, 175% on XLI, and… 194% on XLY!
Frankly… Unless you’re already winning 70%+ of your trades - with average wins nearly TRIPLE the size of your average loss - you can’t afford to ignore this opportunity today.
That’s why I encourage you to take action immediately and click “join now” below. You have a fantastic day. Roger and I hope to see you in our exclusive trading group momentarily.
Large Profits
The rotations make it super simple to enter and exit the trade without having to sit and watch market action all morning and afternoon.
Most impressive are the large profits and lack of big losers. I look forward making Alliance Trader a bigger part of my overall portfolio”
Keep up the good work!
Triple Digit Winners
I’ve seen both double and triple digit winners over the past year and I’m convinced that Alliance will continue to delivers solid returns!
Thanks again for such a great program….looking forward to more triple digit runs!
Thank you.
Winner Gained Over 45%
After placing seven trades, I made profit on six….my average winner gained over 45%.
I can’t believe I never paid attention to the relationship that exists between the economic cycle and sector ETFs.
Good job!
Up Over 65%
The issued alerts are easy to follow and I’m up over 65% on several of the options trades.
The Alliance strategy is a winner and makes perfect sense….please keep up the good work.
This limited time offer includes 1 year of exclusive access to the Alliance Trader Alert Program
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Click the button below to get instant access to Alliance Trader Program for a single payment of only $1897...you save over $5200 today!
Click the button below to get instant access to Alliance Trader Program for a single payment of only $1297...you save over $3200 today!
Alliance Trader Program is only open to the first 50 savvy traders! Once all 50 memberships are taken…the doors will close and you will miss your opportunity for massive triple digit ETF and Options gains… on each and every trade. If you procrastinate… your opportunity to generate 252.3%, 239.5%, 228.7%, 209.7%, 188.6%, and 180.7% will evaporate! I urge you to advantage of this special one-time offer before all memberships are taken!
This is your one time opportunity to gain an edge on the institutional trader. Alliance Trader ETF model delivers gains up to 5X bigger than the SP 500. If you trade the options clusters, you could be looking at explosive triple digit profit opportunities! You get to profit from ETFs or option with amazing profit potential on every trade you take.
Act now and get instant access to Alliance Trader Program before all 50 membership slots are completely taken. If you enroll today, you will also receive proprietary coaching and daily analysis, and easy to understand, step by step “Maximize Options Profits” video series. You will also receive fully downloadable issued position tracker for both ETFs and and Options… that’s $1,500 worth of premium bonuses at no additional cost!
Click the button below to get instant access to Alliance Trader Program for a single payment of only $1897...you save over $5200 today!
Click the button below to get instant access to Alliance Trader Program for a single payment of only $1297...you save over $3200 today!
Alliance Trader was designed from the ground up to compete with multi-billion dollar hedge funds. This is your one time opportunity to level the playing. You’ll get a chance to extract big profits from the market… every two weeks!
The Alliance Trader can give you an unfair advantage.
If you don’t take action now…big profit opportunities like 252.3%, 239.5%, 228.7%, 209.7%, 188.6%, and 180.7% will evaporate! You owe it to yourself to include the Alliance Trader in your portfolio. Enroll now… and give yourself an unfair advantage!
Roger Scott
Head Trader
Market Geeks / Options Geeks
P.S. Alliance Trader program can help you identify big profits in both bull and bear markets…all without wasting valuable time and money! We provide clear and simple to understand entry and exit trade alerts... to help you gain an edge in today's fast moving markets. There’s limited space in the Alliance Trader program… don’t procrastinate and jeopardize your opportunity for consistent gains.
Click the button below to get instant access to Alliance Trader Program for a single payment of only $1897...you save over $5200 today!
Click the button below to get instant access to Alliance Trader Program for a single payment of only $1297...you save over $3200 today!
P.P.S. Your profit potential is unlimited and the risk is always capped or limited to the price that you paid for the option. Don’t delay for another minute and sign up for Alliance Trader program before all membership spots are taken… your chance to join me ends soon!